COA live Q&A March. 29. 2023 by Fr. Anthony Mourad
March 31, 2023
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit one God Amen.
COA live Q&A, March. 29. 2023 by Fr. Anthony Mourad
Can God be wrathful? What is the wrath of God?
Can God be wrathful? The Old Testament regularly speaks about God being angry with evil. Even the New Testament occasionally refers to God’s wrath. What is this wrath? Can God really be angry? Does God have emotions? First, we have
Does God desire war in the Old Testament?
Does God desire war in the Old Testament? It is certainly undeniable that God allows and sometimes even commands war. And I will address this God willing in the next video in this series. But for today, the question is