Who Created God?
Who Created God?
This is a popular question that is asked often nowadays. First, one must understand that this question implies that God is under time. But is He?
This question is actually a fallacy; which means that it is built on the wrong assumption that God is under time and hence affected by it. This is not the God we worship. To make the concept clearer, let’s look at an example. If I create a table, am I inside the table or outside of it? Of course, I am outside of it. As the creator of the table, I have created something outside of me and inferior than me. By the same token, if God creates time (the span of time that we are in) God is above this time, not in it. When He creates time He is therefore not affected by His creation in the same way I am not affected by the table I created. God does not grow older. Hence, St Paul the Apostle says in Hebrews 13: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Our God is unchangeable; He is the Alpha and Omega, The Everlasting, The Beginning and The End.
St John in his gospel confirms this by saying: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him and without Him nothing was made that was made.” John1:1-. The beginning in this verse means before time existed.
Therefore, the question “who created God?” does not stand.
Then why is it still being asked? In our reality, people observe certain characteristics about themselves. They observe that we are born on a certain day; we grow older and eventually die. Consequently, people take what they observe and apply those same characteristics to God. This, however, cannot be the case. God is our Creator and we are the creation. In other words, we do not possess the same characteristics as God and vice-versa. In the same way that the table does not possess our own human characteristics.
This video is discussing God prior to His incarnation. In the incarnation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Logos has allowed Himself to be under the effect of time through His birth from the Virgin St. Mary for the sake of our salvation.
Remember, know your faith, live your faith and teach your faith
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