The Stages of Temptation & Addiction: Part 1
The Church often teaches us that within our spiritual life, there will be warfare. And if warfare, then there must be an enemy. And if an enemy, then we are under attack. If you have ever wondered what these attacks
Discovering the Depth of the Orthodox Prayer Life
As we walk through our earthly journey, sometimes our minds wonder: “Why is Orthodoxy so demanding?” “why do I need to endure these long prayers and even more long fasting periods?” “Is all of this really necessary?” “Is it needed
Was it necessary for God to destroy Egypt with the 10 plagues? What about the firstborns?
Was it necessary for God to destroy Egypt with the 10 plagues? Although this fantastic event freed Israel from Egyptian bondage, it leaves many difficult questions unanswered. Was Pharaoh a puppet in God’s hands? Did He really harden his heart?
What is the REAL meaning of a woman being the helper of man? Is there gender equality in Christianity? Shouldn’t a male hold women in high esteem?
What is the real meaning of a woman being the helper of man? Is there true gender equality in Christianity? Are women some sort of assistants or second-class citizens? Should a man use this term to dominate women or to
Why did God plant the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, One God, Amen. Today my beloved we address one of the most popular questions people have when they study the story of creation: If God did not
Why does God care about sin? What is sin that God would give it that much attention?
Why does God care about sin? What is sin in the first place that God would give it that much attention? Some sins are obviously hurtful to others and it therefore makes sense that God, the Lover of mankind, would
Why did Christ get baptized and receive the Holy Spirit?
What we will discuss today is a simplified version of a deep theological topic that answers many fundamental questions. Questions like why do I need to live a holy life? What are the effects of sin? Why was Christ baptized?
What is my role in being saved?
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, One God, Amen. What is the Christian’s role in being saved and accepting salvation? This question is one that rouses many different answers from many different people.
Can God be wrathful? What is the wrath of God?
Can God be wrathful? The Old Testament regularly speaks about God being angry with evil. Even the New Testament occasionally refers to God’s wrath. What is this wrath? Can God really be angry? Does God have emotions? First, we have