Why is Gen. 1 divided into 7 days? Why God rests on the 7th day? by Fr. Gabriel Wissa
In our last video, we discussed the real meaning of Genesis 1, and we saw how the text is part of an introduction that leads to Abraham, the father of the Jews. And that the main purpose of the text was to discuss the creation of the world but with the purpose of demythologizing, or
What is Genesis 1 REALLY saying? by Fr. Gabriel Wissa
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; One God, Amen. Since the Enlightenment period, and its associated scientific discoveries, way too many people have spent countless hours comparing the Bible with contemporary science, or
Why would a Loving God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son? What is the purpose of such a test? (Violence in the OT – part 4)
Why would a Loving God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son? What is the purpose of such a test? (Violence in the OT – part 4) Perhaps one of the greatest faith stories ever told in history is attributed to
Is hell a real fire? Does God want to chastise us for eternity?
Is Hell a Real Fire? Is hell a real fire? Could it be? If it were, why would God create this fire? Does He want to chastise us forever? Many Christians and non-Christians alike have serious difficulties in approaching a
Why would a loving God FLOOD the world? (Violence in the OT – part 3)
Why would a loving God FLOOD the world? (Violence in the OT – part 3) How can a loving God flood the earth? How can He destroy the humanity He once created? On a superficial level, this question seems very perplexing.
Why is the Bible, the story of salvation & love, filled with violence? (Violence in the OT – part 2)
Why is the Bible, the story of salvation & love, filled with violence? (Violence in the OT – part 2) Today we continue our series about the violence in the Old Testament. We saw a summary of the answer in
Who Created God?
Who Created God? This is a popular question that is asked often nowadays. First, one must understand that this question implies that God is under time. But is He? This question is actually a fallacy; which means that it is
Why is there violence in the Old Testament? (Violence in the OT – Part 1)
Why is there violence in the Old Testament? (Violence in the OT – part 1) When we look at the New Testament, we see such a loving and caring God. All we have to imagine is the cross, all His