Tag "Church"

Why women cannot become priests? Is the Church sexist?

All Apostolic churches, namely all Orthodox and Catholic churches have been only ordaining males to the Priesthood since the birth of the Church in the first century. Is this simply due to the Patriarchal societies of the time? In other

Why do we sometimes feel that the Church has so many rules?

Why do we sometimes feel that the Church has so many rules? Sometimes, Orthodox youth, or even adults, feel like the Church has too many rules… Some ask why the Church has rules in the first place. Isn’t the Church

Who are the heroes of Orthodoxy? – St. Athanasius of Alexandria

 Who are the heroes of Orthodoxy? – St. Athanasius of Alexandria When we start speaking about heroes we can easily begin talking about the patristic fathers. They are the ones who stood firmly in their Orthodox faith and tradition and

Should I use Psalms in prayer?

 Should I use Psalms in prayer? Prayer is a deep conversation with God, but there are many ways to converse with Him. One of these ways is to pray with psalms. The word “psalms” in Hebrew means “praises.” However, many

Was there a Liturgy in the Early Church?

Was there a Liturgy in the Early Church? Some people (including some Christians) think that, in the early church, there wasn’t any liturgy as we have today. They may believe that it was an invention by the Church and not