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Tag "Commentary on the gospel of John"

Why did Christ delay before going to Lazarus? Why wait specifically 4 days? by Father Gabriel Wissa

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God Amen Study with us the Gospel of John on Coptic Orthodox Answers Deep Dive! In this session, we explore together the background of the Gospel of John

Why do the Jews want to stone Christ? What is the feast of Dedication? by Fr. Gabriel Wissa

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God Amen Study with us the Gospel of John on Coptic Orthodox Answers Deep Dive! In this session, we explore together the background of the Gospel of John

Explore the hidden message behind the healing of the man born blind. Why Christ spit on the ground?

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God Amen Study with us the Gospel of John on Coptic Orthodox Answers Deep Dive! In this session, we explore together the background of the Gospel of John

What is the meaning of Christ being the door by which the sheep enter? by Fr. Gabrial Wissa

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God Amen Study with us the Gospel of John on Coptic Orthodox Answers Deep Dive! In this session, we explore together the background of the Gospel of John

What were the Pharisees attempting by questioning the man born blind? Why were his parents afraid? by Fr. Gabriel Wissa

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God Amen Study with us the Gospel of John on Coptic Orthodox Answers Deep Dive! In this session, we explore together the background of the Gospel of John

Where else does Christ CLEARLY say that HE IS GOD? by Fr. Gabriel Wissa

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God Amen Study with us the Gospel of John on Coptic Orthodox Answers Deep Dive! In this session, we explore together the background of the Gospel of John

Why Christ says ‘My Father taught Me?’ Is the Son not equal to the Father? by Fr. Gabriel Wissa

In t`he name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God Amen Study with us the Gospel of John on Coptic Orthodox Answers Deep Dive! In this session, we explore together the background of the Gospel of John

The adulterous woman’s story explained. Why does Christ write on the ground? by Fr. Gabriel Wissa

The adulterous woman’s story explained. Why does Christ write on the ground? In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God Amen Study with us the Gospel of John on Coptic Orthodox Answers Deep Dive! In

A beautiful parallel between the feast of the tabernacles and Christ! Why did some Jews not believe in Christ?

Study with us the Gospel of John on Coptic Orthodox Answers Deep Dive!  In this session, we dive deeper into John A beautiful parallel between the feast of the tabernacles and Christ! Why did some Jews not believe in Christ?