Tag "Coptic Orthodox Answers Deep Dive"

Does God only love those who love Him? Does Christ need Sanctification?

 In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God Amen Study with us the Gospel of John on Coptic Orthodox Answers Deep Dive! In this session, we explore together the background of the Gospel of

Why is it to our advantage that Christ ascends? What does it mean to ask in Christ’s name?

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God Amen Study with us the Gospel of John on Coptic Orthodox Answers Deep Dive! In this session, we explore together the background of the Gospel of John

Why is it vital to keep the commandments? Is true love founded on emotions? by Fr. Gabriel Wissa

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God, Amen Study with us the Gospel of John on Coptic Orthodox Answers Deep Dive! In this session, we explore together the background of the Gospel of John

Why does the Son call the Father greater? Why the Father gives the Son a command? Are they equal?

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God Amen Study with us the Gospel of John on Coptic Orthodox Answers Deep Dive! In this session, we explore together the background of the Gospel of John

Is Christ preparing literal mansions in Heaven? How come I pray in His Name and He doesn’t answer?

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God Amen Study with us the Gospel of John on Coptic Orthodox Answers Deep Dive! In this session, we explore together the background of the Gospel of John

Understanding the Jewish Passover and what happened to Judas. by Fr. Gabriel Wissa

Understanding the Jewish Passover and what happened to Judas. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God Amen Study with us the Gospel of John on Coptic Orthodox Answers Deep Dive! In this session, we

St Cyril and the Eucharist: United to God and to One Another by Fr. Anthony Mourad

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God, Amen. Deep dive into the early Church’s understanding of the Eucharist through the teachings of the Great Patristic Father, St Cyril of Alexandria. Study everything from the

St Cyril and the Eucharist: United to God through His Flesh by Fr. Anthony Mourad

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God, Amen. Deep dive into the early Church’s understanding of the Eucharist through the teachings of the Great Patristic Father, St Cyril of Alexandria. Study everything from the

St Cyril and the Eucharist: Eucharist as a source of Reconciliation by Fr. Anthony Mourad

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God, Amen. Deep dive into the early Church’s understanding of the Eucharist through the teachings of the Great Patristic Father, St Cyril of Alexandria. Study everything from the

St Cyril and the Eucharist: The Eucharist is the Bread of Life by Fr. Anthony Mourad

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God, Amen. Deep dive into the early Church’s understanding of the Eucharist through the teachings of the Great Patristic Father, St Cyril of Alexandria. Study everything from the