Tag "“I desire to be one with You: Meditations on Thursday of Holy Pascha”"

Give me new life, O Lord: Meditations on the feast of the Glorious Resurrection

Tonight, we celebrate the feast of all feasts. We have come to the conclusion of Pascha to witness the risen Lord. My beloved, there is a reason the Church considers this to be the greatest of all feasts. While the

Raise me from my death: Meditations on Saturday of Holy Pascha

The Church celebrates her incarnate Lord who died in the flesh who at this moment is down in Hades granting victory to the Kingdom of God. Imagine, if you will, that everyone prior to this moment, the righteous and the

Come be my King and Reign in me: Meditations on Friday of Holy Pascha

My beloved, we have finally arrived to the day of Great Friday, this holy and most precious of days where we truly see love manifested before us. We see love manifest before us because of the scenes that are depicted

“I desire to be one with You: Meditations on Thursday of Holy Pascha”

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God, Amen.   Covenant Thursday Today really is a day filled with a tremendous amount of mystery. Today, as we look at the events unfold, we see Christ