Tag "Oriental Orthodoxy"

Why did Jesus Christ have to die on the cross? with Fr. Anthony Mourad

Why did Jesus Christ have to die on the cross? In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God Amen Many of us know that Our Lord Jesus Christ died in order to redeem us. But

How do I deal with the Spiritual passion of Despondency?

In our last video we discussed what the passion of Acedia – or despondency – does to the person suffering from it. How it can completely paralyze our spiritual growth and introduce even more warfare from other passions. And now

What Is The Spiritual Passion Of Despondency?

Have you ever experienced a certain heaviness when attempting to pray or read your bible? Has laziness or fatigue prevented you from fulfilling your spiritual tasks and services? Well these kinds of descriptions usually mean one thing – you’re being

Why is ADAM created from DUST? Is humanity meant to ABUSE NATURE?

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God Amen How should we read the story of the creation in Genesis 2 and 3? What is meant by Adam being created from the dust and God

WHY is it a SIN if I don’t HURT OTHERS?

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God Amen We often ask why is such an action a sin? Specially if I am not hurting anyone. Why is masturbation a sin? Why is fornication a

Does God abandon us in difficult times?

In some of our most difficult times, we are often tempted to think that God is not present with us. We feel like he is absent and has maybe even forsaken us. But is this true? Can we really believe

Are there really dark and demonic forces around us?

As Christians we believe that God is real. We also believe that there are dark and demonic forces that oppose God. But some people live their life as if Satan did not exist and that no forces of darkness surround

What is the ORTHODOX understanding of the RANSOM?

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; One God, Amen. Do we believe in a ransom? Did the Father pour His Wrath on the Son? Is God literally wrathful? Did He turn His face

Are saints alive? Can they be in two places at once? Can they hear us? by Fr. Gabriel Wissa

Are saints alive? Can they be in two places at once? Can they hear us? In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; One God, Amen. Regarding the intercession of the saints, the following questions

Are we living in the end times? What are we supposed to do? by Fr. Anthony Mourad

Have you ever looked around you and thought the end is near? Have you seen movies or heard stories of people speaking of how the end of the world will look like? Could everything that has been going on around