Tag "Oriental Orthodoxy"

If God knows all things, and we have no guarantees, then why pray at all?

Seems to me like God doesn’t always come through when I pray. Somethings I pray for things that are good, and yet even then there is no guarantee that He will make them happen. So what’s the point? And doesn’t He know what

Why ‘speak the truth in love’, when no one wants to hear it? by Fr. Anthony Mourad

It seems like every time we open the media, we see the world divided against itself. Some people stand with this idea, others stand with another. One group believes “this and that” to be true, another claims that its completely

Why does St. Paul ask women to learn in silence & submission? Is he a Misogynist? Fr. Gabriel Wissa

Does God prefer men over women? Christianity claims that both genders are equal—which they are. But we read in 1st Timothy that women ought to learn in silence with all submission and that they should not have authority over a

What is our ultimate Christian objective? How to live a genuine Christian life? by Fr.Gabriel Wissa

What is our ultimate Christian objective, How to live a genuine Christian life, holy trinity, trinity, love, unity, unity in diversity, diversity, trinitarian life, prayer, gods will, god’s will    What is our ultimate Christian objective? Is it heaven? But what is heaven? Is it spending time

Why does God allow NATURAL DISASTERS? Why coronavirus? by Fr. Gabriel Wissa

Our beloved Father Anthony Mourad explained in a previous video why God allows pain and suffering (link in the comments below) but why does God allow natural disasters? What about the current pandemic of the coronavirus? Are these distressful natural disasters an act of God as they are often attributed? Are they the outcome of God’s wrath? Let

Why is the Resurrection of Christ considered the feast of feasts? by Fr. Anthony Mourad

There are many feasts in the liturgical calendar of the Church. But there is one that holds the title of the Feast of Feasts – The Holy and Glorious feast of the Resurrection. Stay tuned to find out why this feast

Back to Basics: why is love so important? by Fr. Anthony Mourad

Most people would agree that an essential part of what it means to be human is our capacity to love. And while we express in many forms what we consider love,  is there something more there than meets the eye? If there more to

Why is Gen. 1 divided into 7 days? Why God rests on the 7th day? by Fr. Gabriel Wissa

  In our last video, we discussed the real meaning of Genesis 1, and we saw how the text is part of an introduction that leads to Abraham, the father of the Jews. And that the main purpose of the text was to discuss the creation of the world but with the purpose of  demythologizing, or

What is Genesis 1 REALLY saying? by Fr. Gabriel Wissa

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; One God, Amen. Since the Enlightenment period, and its associated scientific discoveries, way too many people have spent countless hours comparing the Bible with contemporary science, or

Are the creation days literal 24 hours? by Fr. Gabriel Wissa

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; One God, Amen. Many viewers requested a video on the literality of the creation days in Genesis 1. But, to be completely honest, I am making this