Tag "Orthodoxy"

Is sin leading you to despair? Restore your hope with God.

One of the most powerful tricks the devil uses against us is when he attempts to make us fall into despair. To make us believe that there is no hope for our salvation—that we are so weak that we will

Why did God plant the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, One God, Amen. Today my beloved we address one of the most popular questions people have when they study the story of creation: If God did not

Why is Pride the most dangerous of all passions?(Passions- Part 6)

Why is Pride the most dangerous of all passions?(Passions- Part 6) Pride is the mother of all passions, but why is it the most dangerous of all passions?   Before we begin, it is important to note that the passions are the movements within us that misdirect the faculties

Why is Anger a Spiritual Passion?

In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, One God. Amen.  Today my beloved we continue our investigation on the passions that we fight in our daily lives that prevent us from achieving our potential

What is the Necessary Step Toward a Genuine Life With God?

What is the necessary step toward a genuine life with God? Many of us go to church, pray and read our Bibles and theoretically do everything we were taught as necessary, yet, we still feel something is missing. We feel

Why does God allow Pain and Suffering?

Why does God allow Pain and Suffering? In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, One God, Amen. Today my beloved we discuss a question that plagues many Christians and non-Christians alike. If we truly

How does the devil trick us into sin? What is spiritual warfare?

How does the devil trick us into sin? What is spiritual warfare? Do you find that keeping up with your spiritual life is often challenging? Do you sometimes feel like giving up, but you keep on struggling? Well, this is

What is the Jesus Prayer?

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, One God, Amen.   Today my beloved we discuss a very important form of prayer that the Church handed down to us a very long time ago. Today

Why is St. Mary such an important figure in Christianity?

Why is St. Mary such an important figure in Christianity? There’s a true need to answer the following question: why is Saint Mary an important figure in Christianity? Unfortunately, many non-Orthodox Christians misunderstand the Church’s dedication to Saint Mary and

Are you a true Christian? How can you know?

Are You a True Christian? How Can You Know? Some people are attracted to Christianity because they want God to bless their lives whether in terms of money, cars, houses, health, grades, reputation, or careers. Some push this ideology so