Why do we want to have union with God?
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; One God, Amen. We are blessed to learn from our beloved HG Bishop Angaelos from Diocese of London, London, England.
This video is of course used with his blessing.
Discovering the Depth of the Orthodox Prayer Life
As we walk through our earthly journey, sometimes our minds wonder: “Why is Orthodoxy so demanding?” “why do I need to endure these long prayers and even more long fasting periods?” “Is all of this really necessary?” “Is it needed
Give me new life, O Lord: Meditations on the feast of the Glorious Resurrection
Tonight, we celebrate the feast of all feasts. We have come to the conclusion of Pascha to witness the risen Lord. My beloved, there is a reason the Church considers this to be the greatest of all feasts. While the
Regaining control by fasting!
In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit one God Amen. We are excited to be with our beloved Fr. Daniel Fanous from St. Peter & St. Paul, Berkeley NSW, Australia through the newly established Words of