How is the Son of God both God and man?
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; One God, Amen.
How can Christ raise the dead, yet die Himself? How can He heal the sick and cast out demons, yet weeps and sleeps? Who is He? God or man or both? And if both, how? Today’s video discusses what the Coptic Orthodox Church believes in terms of Christology? And how are these two natures found in the One Person of Jesus Christ? This issue has been the center of controversy for centuries and hopefully this video can help shed some light on the matter.
Alexandrian Christology Christ God man Christian Answers Christianity Christology COA Coptic Coptic Orthodox Answers divinity dyophisis God the Word God-man humanity Logos incarnate miaphysis miaphysite monophysis monophysite one incarnate nature of the Divine Logos Oriental Orthodoxy Orthodoxy St. Cyril St. Severus
What is our ultimate Christian objective? How to live a genuine Christian life? by Fr.Gabriel Wissa
What is our ultimate Christian objective, How to live a genuine Christian life, holy trinity, trinity, love, unity, unity in diversity, diversity, trinitarian life, prayer, gods will, god’s will What is our ultimate Christian objective? Is it heaven? But what is heaven? Is it spending time
Why is the Resurrection of Christ considered the feast of feasts? by Fr. Anthony Mourad
There are many feasts in the liturgical calendar of the Church. But there is one that holds the title of the Feast of Feasts – The Holy and Glorious feast of the Resurrection. Stay tuned to find out why this feast
Is there EVIDENCE the 1st century Church used ICONOGRAPHY? by Fr. Gabriel Wissa
Is there evidence the early Church used iconography? Or is iconography an innovation? If there is evidence, how early is it? How do these questions fit with the commandment of not making carved images found in Exodus 20? These are